Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Pundit Review will be on the Radio Thu. 12/21/06

Everyone who listens to the Pundit Review knows they are on the air from 7-10pm EST on Sunday nights. Well, they will also be on the air tomorrow night! Gregg will be interviewing David Limbaugh at 7pm EST about his book, "Bankrupt: The Intellectual and Moral Bankruptcy of the Democrat Party."

During the 8th and 9th hours, Kevin and Gregg will discuss the Reason for the Season: Jesus Christ. It is going to be a wonderful show. Make sure you tune in everyone!

Gregg Jackson is also the author of "Conservative Comebacks to Liberal Lies." It is a very good book. I may even get an opportunity to interview him! Keep your fingures crossed for me. Have a blessed day.