Official Bio: Ms. Lily Mazahery is a Persian-American attorney, and the founder and president of the Washington, D.C. based Legal Rights Institute. Ms. Mazahery is an active advocate of the human rights of women around the world and an outspoken opponent of laws that serve to oppress women in the name of religion. Ms. Mazahery provides expert commentary on Iranian and Islamic laws, as well as human rights violations in Islamic societies. She has testified before the U.S. Congress on the condition of women and children in Iran under the Islamic regime, and has described the atrocities to which women are subjected under the Sharia legal system, such as public hanging, public stoning, and temporary marriages.
In addition, Ms. Mazahery is currently assisting with the production of "Beneath the Veil," the award-winning play by legendary Iranian actress and playwright, Mary Apick . "Beneath the Veil" is scheduled to premiere in Fall of 2006 in Washington DC.
Ms. Mazahery has launched a web site about women in Iran facing death by stoning, Stop Honour Killings, and is in my network on the Gather website. Image Copyright Lily Mazahery, 1996-2006 -- ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Used with permission.
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