Sunday, August 27, 2006

FLASH: Isikoff Tells All...Aww shucks, it's nothing.

Old War Dog John Werntz writes:
Newsweek's issue of September 4, 2006 reveals, in a fast-spinning vertigo of breathless hype, the real, true, inside dish on Richard Armitage's exposure of Valerie Plame's role in Ambassador Joe Wilson's "Lanny Budd Goes to Niger" epic [Apologies to Upton Sinclair]. Their ace investigative reporter, Michael Isikoff, in collaboration with David Corn of The Nation, is bringing out a book entitled "Hubris: The Inside Story of Spin, Scandal, and the Selling of the Iraq War." The principal hubris involved is in the title's sensationalism, but let that pass for the moment.

Read the whole thing.