Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Someone Finally Figured It Out

Hat tip to:
- The Anti-Idiotarian Rottweiler
- Lump On A Blog
- Fox News
Militants Who Praised London Attacks Could Face Treason
Sunday, August 07, 2005

LONDON — British prosecutors said Sunday they would consider treason charges against any Islamic extremists who express support for terrorism, as a Briton suspected of links to Al Qaeda was deported from Zambia.

Clerics Omar Bakri Mohammed, Abu Izzaden and Abu Uzair, have appeared on British television in recent days and a spokeswoman for Lord Goldmsith's office said prosecutors and police would look at remarks made by the three and consider whether they could face charges of treason, incitement to treason, solicitation of murder, or incitement to withhold information known to be of use to police.
And there ya go. One more reason seen recently where England is proving themselves more serious about thwarting terrorism than the US.

Says Emperor Darth Misha I: "LC & IB Lumpy is as thrilled at the news as we are, particularly since it looks like the word has been permanently torn out of our dictionaries. Please, Tony, send us a couple thousand copies of the Oxford Dictionary."

Oh for sure it has. The PC Police will not stand for any criminal to actually be referred to and treated like a . . . criminal. Heck, we might damage their self-esteem.

Says Lumpy: "Blair is taking actions that the vacationing President should have taken long ago."

Very sad, but very true.